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  • Albano, because he did not marry Loredana: “I no longer want…” | It’s all Romina’s fault

Albano, because he did not marry Loredana: “I no longer want…” | It’s all Romina’s fault

The not-yet-popular singer Cellino San Marco was the guest of honor at Salon Verissimo, where he spoke candidly about his humanity for the first time at the microphone of the wonderful Silvia Tofanin. His experience of an undercover robbery and subsequent history and love for his current partner continued. We are talking – obviously – about the beautiful Loredana Rechiso…

In particular, in this last episode, the artist from Puglia explained why he and Lori never got married. The couple already has two beautiful grown children, Jasmin and Albano Jr. Dit Vido. However, the decision not to marry seems to have been made years ago, and to be honest, it’s still a constant source of gossip and gossip…but now he’s explaining why on TV. His first wife, Romina, did. ..

Albano, Loredana, Romina

Serino San Marco again congratulated the singer. Now with his ex-wife Romina Power and their daughters (Yari knows very well that he is a very reserved person, so he prefers to stay at his work, always musical, but purely behind the scenes). active) in practically the best condition. Home – An elegant butcher shop run by partner Pier Silvio Berlusconi, has passionate and deep conversations with the hostess about the great Silvia Tofanin. Especially since there is a precedent for the singer’s private life, the story ends – which seems really obvious – with the title of Loredan Rexo and the reason for not getting married, even though we were together for a while, I had children. Two children.

He doesn’t want to go through the drama of divorce anymore.

Albano reassured many of his fans, because he had to prove more than once that everything is calm between him and his partner and their relationship is absolutely harmonious and calm. In a word, at full speed! The reason he never married was because he broke up with his first beauty, Romina Power, who is now a real star in the world. The singer made it clear that she does not want to experience the drama of divorce again. “Will you marry me again?” One marriage is enough in life. I had a good marriage, but then I got divorced,” the man explained, adding, “I don’t want to go through that again. I hate this”. I thank God from the bottom of my heart. “

He was very sorry for Romina

That is, on television, the artist conveyed a clearly understandable and very serious motive, which was not very clear on the part of Rexo, who is still tormented by the past of the father of his children. We must not forget that the 78-year-old’s divorce from Mr Power was so devastating that it is still on many people’s lips. In this moment, Kalisi and her beau Loredana will have a moment of peace after years of ups and downs, separations and reunions.

Romina Power spoke harshly about her ex-husband Soroshyn in one circumstance.

The comment on Romina’s official Instagram profile, which became very popular in early April, was inevitable. The woman then revealed how she was exploited by her frustrated relationship with her ex-husband and how their love story was always dismissed as meat soap. “There’s suffering. If you want it, so be it. But social networks don’t change my life. I listen to bullshit every day,” the singer commented below.

Al Bano tells about the disappearance of today’s girl

Yulenia Kalisi was last seen in a New Orleans hotel on January 6, 1994. The hotel owner said the girl left around noon and never returned.

She is a special girl.

He was educated at King’s College London. He spoke English, Spanish, French and Portuguese. He went with us to America to shoot the documentary “Lost America”. I moved from Los Angeles to New Orleans. I had a fateful meeting. with the homeless street artists

I remember a black man, his name was Massacre. One day the company went to the cinema, but I realized that something was wrong and stayed with Yulenia. Suddenly she started to run away. I stood behind her and shouted, “Stop, the person is trying to hurt me.” That man was me And I shouted, “This is a drug problem.” She lost me, I found her at eight. She told her mother that she had risked her life in the waters of the Mississippi.

Yalenia said that she decided to write a book, and for this she will have to go to Belize, the homeland of the homeless. “I said, ‘Okay, but first I have to finish my studies, and soon…'” Instead, she went to Belize, lived in a tent and survived threats from her husband and children. So he went back to New Orleans,” AJ said.

Explained to Banu.


“I repeated that night hour after hour. He called witnesses. I met Maskela who was in jail but he pleaded not guilty. I interviewed the harbor watchman, the last person who saw her. She was standing by the river, he warned her you were not allowed here. But Yalinia didn’t Like to go. As the ranger insisted, “I belong in the water.” I swam like a butterfly and jumped in the river. But Mississippi is relentless. Romina never wanted to believe it. But it had to happen.””

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